%%% BibTeX

 author        = "Peter B. Denton and Julia Gehrlein",
 title         = "A Statistical Analysis of the COHERENT Data and Applications to New Physics",
 journal       = "JHEP",
 volume        = "2104",
 pages         = "266",
 year          = "2021",
 eprint        = "2008.06062",
 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
 primaryClass  = "hep-ph",

@Article{2008.06062, crossref = "Denton:2020hop"}

@Article{hep-ph/2008.06062, crossref = "Denton:2020hop"}

%%% LaTeX


%%% bibitem EU

Peter B. Denton, Julia Gehrlein,
%"A Statistical Analysis of the COHERENT Data and Applications to New Physics",
JHEP \textbf{2104} (2021) 266,
arXiv:2008.06062 [hep-ph].

%%% bibitem US

Peter B. Denton, Julia Gehrlein,
%"A Statistical Analysis of the COHERENT Data and Applications to New Physics",
JHEP \textbf{2104}, 266 (2021),
arXiv:2008.06062 [hep-ph].