Lectures on Neutrino Physics

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1 - Experiment - Slides

Introducing Neutrinos, When Neutrinos Meet Quarks, As Neutrinos Fly By, The Small Matter of Neutrino Mass, Oscillation Stories, J. Conrad, 2002. A series of talks given at the Feza Gursey Institute, July 2002. http://www.nevis.columbia.edu/~conrad/gursey.html.

2 - Experiment - Video

Atmospheric Neutrinos, T. Kajita, 2016. 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, 26 June - 1 July 2016, Lindau, Germany. http://www.mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/videos/36125/lecture-atmospheric-neutrinos.
E1: Neutrino Factories and Muon Colliders, Debbie Harris, 2001. July 20, Snowmass 2001. http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/VMS_Site_02/Lectures/Snowmass2001/720E1Harris/index.htm.

3 - Phenomenology - Slides

Neutrino Physics (Neutrino Masses, Mixing, Oscillations, the Nature of Massive Neutrinos and Leptonic CP Violation), S. T. Petcov, 2017. Summer Institute on Phenomenology of Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, Fuji-yoshida, Japan, August 25 - 31, 2017. http://muse.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp/~si17/slides/20170826_01_Petcov.pdf.
Neutrino Physics (Neutrino Masses, Mixing, Oscillations, the Nature of Massive Neutrinos and Leptonic CP Violation), S. T. Petcov, 2016. KIAS/KNRS School of Neutrino Physics, Seoul, S. Korea, February, 2016. http://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/upload/KNRC/Petcov.pdf.
Neutrino masses and mixings, F. Capozzi, 2015. Seminar at Padua University, 30 September 2015, Padua, Italy. http://www.pd.infn.it/segreterie/segred/trasparenze/2015/talk_Capozzi.pdf.
Neutrinos: what's now and what's next, A.Y. Smirnov, 2015. Seminar at Padua University, 28 October 2015, Padua, Italy. http://active.pd.infn.it/g4/seminars/2016/files/smirnov.pptx.
Neutrino Phenomenology, C. Giunti, 2013. ISAPP 2013, 14-23 July 2013, Canfranc Underground Laboratory, Spain. http://www.lsc-canfranc.es/isapp2013/. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2013/giunti-130717-isapp.pdf.
Neutrino Mass: Overview of $\beta\beta_{0\nu}$, Cosmology and Direct Measurements, C. Giunti, 2012. Neutrino Town Meeting, European Strategy for Neutrino Oscillation Physics - II, 14-16 May 2012, CERN. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2012/giunti-120514-nutown.pdf.
Status of PMNS and Impact of Large $\vartheta_{13}$ for Sterile Neutrino Phenomenology, C. Giunti, 2012. GDR Neutrino, 20-21 June 2012, APC, Paris, France. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2012/giunti-120620-gdr.pdf.
Neutrino Masses in Cosmology, Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and Direct Neutrino Masses, C. Giunti, 2012. LIONeutrino2012. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2012/giunti-121024-lioneutrino.pdf.
Review of Neutrino Physics, C. Giunti, 2011. Third EUROnu Annual Meeting, 18-21 January 2011, RAL, UK. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2011/giunti-110119-ral-rev.pdf.
Neutrino Mass-Mixing Parameters: Global Analysis and Short-Term Prospects, E. Lisi, 2011. 23rd Rencontres de Blois,Particle Physics and Cosmology, May 29-June 3, 2011, Chateau Royal de Blois France. http://blois.in2p3.fr/2011/transparencies/lisi.pdf.
Relic Neutrino Detection, M. Messina, 2010. 3 March 2010, Padova, Italy. http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/seminari/messina-PD-2010.pdf.
Neutrino Mysteries, Surprises and Promises, C. Giunti, 2010. ESOF, Torino, Italy, 4 July 2010. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2010/giunti-100704-esof.pdf.
Physics of Sterile Neutrinos, C. Giunti, 2010. Padova, Italy, 8 November 2010. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2010/giunti-101108-padova.pdf.
Phenomenology of Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2009. APC, Paris, 17 March 2009. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2009/giunti-090317-apc-paris.pdf.
Neutrino Physics, C. Giunti, 2009. CERN, 12-15 May 2009. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2009/giunti-0905-cern.pdf.
Phenomenological Status of Neutrino Mixing, C. Giunti, 2007. SIF, XCIII Congresso Nazionale, Pisa, Italy, 25 September 2007. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2007/giunti-2007-sif.pdf.
Theory and Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations and Masses, C. Giunti, 2007. XI Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, 7-12 November 2007, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2007/giunti-2007-mex-phe.pdf.
Neutrino Physics: Mixing and Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2007. Salerno, 7-10 May 2007. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2007/giunti-2007-salerno.pdf.
Determination of neutrino oscillation parameters from present and future experiments, Thomas Schwetz, 2006. Padua University, 17 January 2006, Padua, Italy. http://www.pd.infn.it/~passera/seminari/schwetz.pdf.
Neutrino Physics, C. Giunti, 2006. Salerno, 24-28 April 2006. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2006/giunti-2006-salerno.pdf.
Neutrino Physics: Status and Perspectives, C. Giunti, 2006. SIF, XCII Congresso Nazionale, Torino, Italy, 20 September 2006. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2006/giunti-2006-sif.pdf.
Theory and Phenomenology of Neutrino Mixing, C. Giunti, 2006. International Conference 'Heavy Quarks and Leptons', 16-20 October 2006, Munich, Germany. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2006/giunti-2006-hql06.pdf.
Physics of Massive Neutrinos, E. Lisi, 2006. Dept. of Physics, Bari, Italy (Doctorate course 2006). http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/scuole/2006/bari-2006/dottorato/.
Status of Neutrino Masses and Mixing, C. Giunti, 2005. Torino University, 28 January 2005. http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/seminari/files/05-01-28-Giunti.pdf.
Possible violation of Pauli exclusion principle for neutrinos, A. Dolgov, 2005. Padua University, 23 March 2005, Padua, Italy. http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/seminari/neutrini-cosmologia/dolgov-PD-2005.pdf.
Fisica del neutrino: stato e prospettive, E. Lisi, 2005. Padua U., 25 May 2005, Padova, Italy. In Italian. http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/seminari/fisica-neutrino/Lisi_Padova_2005.pdf.
Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2004. Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea, 16,19,20 January 2004. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2004/giunti-2004-kias-04-01.pdf.
La natura dei neutrini e la loro massa, A. Bettini, 2004. Padua University, 31 May 2004. In Italian. http://www.pd.infn.it/~bettini/DBDGe76semin04.ppt.
Interpreting Neutrino Data, J.W.F. Valle, 2004. Padua University, 5 November 2004. http://ific.uv.es/~valle/talks/pad04.pdf.
Neutrino oscillations: current status and prospects for the next ten years, Thomas Schwetz, 2004. Torino University, 9 November 2004. http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/seminari/files/Schwetz-04-11-10.pdf.
Which neutrino phenomenology?, Marco Laveder, 2004. Torino University, 23 November 2004. http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/seminari/files/Laveder-04-11-23.pdf.
Frontiers in Neutrino Astrophysics, J. F. Beacom, 2003. University of Chicago, 2 April 2003. http://cfcpwork.uchicago.edu/seminars/talks/030402/talk.pdf.
Massive Neutrino Physics, C. Giunti, 2003. Second Graduate School in Physics at Colliders, 30 June - 5 July 2003, Turin, Italy. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2003/giunti-2003-pac.pdf.
Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2003. Neutrino Physics, Second International Summer Student School in Memory of Bruno Pontecorvo, 7-18 September 2003, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2003/giunti-2003-krim-nmo.pdf.
Phenomenology of Three-Neutrino Mixing, C. Giunti, 2003. PSI, 14 November 2003. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2003/giunti-2003-psi.pdf.
Introduction to Neutrino Mass, Mixing and Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2003. LPSC, Grenoble, 27 November 2003. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2003/giunti-2003-lpsc.pdf.
The next 20 years in Particle Physics, H. Murayama, 2002. Berkeley Physics Department Colloquium, 4 Nov 2002. http://hitoshi.berkeley.edu/UCB.pdf.
Big World of Small Neutrinos, H. Murayama, 2002. Harvard, 9 Dec 2002. http://hitoshi.berkeley.edu/129A/Harvard.htm.
Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2001. Ph.D. Program on Neutrino Physics, University of Turin. http://www.to.infn.it/~giunti/dott/phe.ps.gz.

4 - Phenomenology - Video

Neutrino Physics, C. Giunti, 2009. CERN, 12-15 May 2009. http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=55028.
Theory Lecture, Neutrino Physics I, B. Kayser, 2005. Fermilab, March 24, 2005. http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/VMS_Site_03/Lectures/Theory/050324Kayser/index.htm.
Academic Lecture Series: The See Saw, and Neutrino Mixing and Oscillation; Majorana Neutrinos, Majorana Masses, and Double Beta Decay; Neutrino Puzzles and Leptogenesis, B. Kayser, 2003. Fermilab, May 6, 2003. http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/VMS_Site_02/Lectures/AcademicLectures/Kayser/index.htm.
The Neutrino Mass/Mixing Landscape, B. Kayser, 2003. 'SLAC Neutrino Physics Day',April 18, 2003, http://home.fnal.gov/~boris/HEPAP.pdf. http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/streaming-media/Lectures/Scenarios/BDay1.ram.
Neutrino masses and oscillations, A. de Rujula, 2002. 25-02-2002, CERN. http://webcast.cern.ch/Projects/WebUniversity/webcast/pages/pop_semi.php?ucode=a02272s1t2.
Neutrino Physics, F. Dydak, 2001. 31-07-2001, CERN. http://webcast.cern.ch/Projects/WebUniversity/webcast/pages/pop_semi.php?ucode=a01443s2t3.
Discovering the World of Neutrinos, Boris Kayser, 2001. July 1, Snowmass 2001. http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/VMS_Site_02/Lectures/Snowmass2001/701Kayser/index.htm.

5 - Theory - Slides

Neutrino Flavor States and the Quantum Theory of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2010. IPN, Orsay, France, 25 November 2010. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2010/giunti-101125-ipn.pdf.
Neutrino Flavor States and the Quantum Theory of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2008. Tubingen, 22 April 2008. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2008/giunti-2008-tubingen-tno.pdf.
Neutrino Flavor States and the Quantum Theory of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2007. Padova, 23 May 2007. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2007/giunti-2007-padova.pdf.
Neutrino Flavor States and the Quantum Theory of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2007. XI Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, 7-12 November 2007, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2007/giunti-2007-mex-osc.pdf.
Neutrino Majorana, S.M. Bilenky, 2006. Torino, 4 July 2006. http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/seminari/files/06-07-04-Bilenky.pdf.
Theory of Neutrino Oscillations, C. Giunti, 2004. Bern, 3 February 2004. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2004/giunti-2004-bern.pdf.

6 - Theory - Video

Neutrinos, Y. Nir, 2004. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 22 March 2004, CERN. http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a036579.
Neutrinos: Windows Beyond the Standard Model, Pierre Ramond, 2002. UCSB, Jan 9, 2002. http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/colloq/ramond1.

7 - Cosmology - Slides

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: from the Universe to the Laboratory, S. Carroll, 2005. Public Lecture at 2005 Aspen Winter Conference 13-19 February, Aspen, US. http://pancake.uchicago.edu/~carroll/universelab05/.
The Contents, Kinematics, and Dynamics of the Universe, R. Blandford, 2003. 31st SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics: Cosmic Connection To Particle Physics, 28 July - 8 August 2003, SLAC, USA. http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssi//2003/lec_notes/blandford.html.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy, R. Kolb, 2003. 31st SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics: Cosmic Connection To Particle Physics, 28 July - 8 August 2003, SLAC, USA. http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssi/2003/lec_notes/kolb.html.
CMB (intermediate level), W. Hu, 2002. Warner Lectures 2002. http://background.uchicago.edu/~whu/Presentations/warnerprint.pdf.

8 - History - Slides

Neutrinos: Towards the 2015 Nobel Prize and Beyond, C. Giunti, 2015. 2015 KIAS Workshop, 2-4 December 2015, Jeju Island, Korea. http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~giunti/slides/2015/giunti-151202-nobel.pdf.

9 - History - Video

Weak Interactions, S. Freedman, 2001. Lecture given at Enrico Fermi Centennial Symposium, Fermilab - September 28, 2001. http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/VMS_Site_02/Lectures/Fermi100/Freedman/index.htm.

10 - Education - Slides

Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin, B. Kayser, 2003. ITP Public Lecture, Apr 30, 2003. http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/plecture/kayser/.
Neutrino Surprises, C. Waltham, 2003. American Association of Physics Teachers Conference, Austin TX, Jan.2003. http://physics.ubc.ca/~waltham/teach_talks/neutrinos_colloq.pdf.

11 - Education - Audio

Neutrinos: A Cursed Subatomic Particle?, David Kestenbaum, 2001. 3 May 2006, NPR (National Public Radio). http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5380562.

12 - Italian - Slides

Fisica dei Neutrini, L. Di Lella, 2009. Lezioni di dottorato, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. http://www.df.unipi.it/~sozzi/DiLella09-Neutrini.pdf.
Ettore Majorana, la materia e l'antimateria, A. Bettini, 2006. Giornata Majorana, Accademia Galileiana di Lettere Scienze ed Arti, 28 marzo 2006, Universita' di Padova. http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/Giornata-Majorana-2006/majorana-bett.pdf.
Ettore Majorana e la struttura dei nuclei atomici, F. Iachello, 2006. Giornata Majorana, Accademia Galileiana di Lettere Scienze ed Arti, 28 marzo 2006, Universita' di Padova. http://www.pd.infn.it/~laveder/unbound/Giornata-Majorana-2006/majorana-iach.pdf.

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Stefano Gariazzo / gariazzo@to.infn.it
Carlo Giunti / giunti@to.infn.it
Marco Laveder / marco.laveder@pd.infn.it
Last Update: Fri 26 Jul 2024, 15:12:16 CET